Elements of a Deep Learning Method

I’ve been thinking for some time about this and I want to share my thoughts about it. What are the elements of a deep learning method? If I read a paper in DL world, what questions I should ask to see if I understand the paper properly? This may seem trivial for some people as they intuitively understand it by reading some papers. Specifically, I’ve been reading YOLO-series papers and I always had a question in mind....

November 27, 2023 · 4 min · 821 words · Amir

Self-Supervised Bug Localization and Repair - A Research Proposal

This is one of my tasks which I’ve done when applying to KU-Leuven University at a position (it was later filled by someone else). At that time, I thought getting a Ph.D. is my type. It was later that I’ve understood that I have no interest in following academic pathway and becoming a researcher. But, since I have taken some time (a couple of days) to prepare this research proposal, I think publishing it wouldn’t be a bad idea....

May 17, 2023 · 10 min · 2107 words · Amir