This is one of my tasks which I’ve done when applying to KU-Leuven University at a position (it was later filled by someone else). At that time, I thought getting a Ph.D. is my type. It was later that I’ve understood that I have no interest in following academic pathway and becoming a researcher.

But, since I have taken some time (a couple of days) to prepare this research proposal, I think publishing it wouldn’t be a bad idea. Perhaps someone uses this ideas. Perhaps not.

Also, here is the pdf version which of this document which is also more polished.

Keywords: Bug Detection, Bug Localization, Intelligent Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Deep Learning


The detection and correction of software bugs has been a longstanding challenge in software development. Bug localization is important in large software projects due to its challenging nature and the impact it can have on time and resources. There are two main reasons for this difficulty. Firstly, there is a large number of bugs waiting for localization, for example, Eclipse bug repository receives 200 bugs a day near its release dates and Debian project receives 150 1. Secondly, locating a bug in the source code can take a significant amount of time, with research showing that most bugs in PostgreSQL project take 100-200 days to resolve and 50% taking 300 days or more. The situation is similar in Tomcat project, where most bugs take 40-200 days to resolve, with only 10% being resolved within 10 hours. In some cases, 5% of bugs may take almost two years to fix 1. Quickly resolving these bugs can save significant time and money for the software project and its stakeholders.

Despite the long-standing tradition of using static analyzers in bug localization, these methods have their limitations and challenges. Writing these analyzers can be a complex task requiring specialized knowledge and a substantial amount of code, and there may be limited incentives for developers to contribute to open-source projects like linters 2. These limitations and challenges highlight the importance of finding new and innovative solutions for bug localization.

Efforts are being made to expand the use of deep learning-based bug detection techniques. These techniques hold the promise of enhancing the software engineering process. However, there are still many obstacles to overcome, such as developing reliable bug detection and repair methods that can handle a variety of common bugs without relying on large amounts of pre-labeled data 3.

The structure of the paper is as follows: First, we talk about what we try to achieve, then we see some related work. After that, we talk about our methodology and finally, we mention a step-wise plan on how to solve this problem.

Problem Statement

The primary objective of this project is to identify and repair software bugs. To this end, we seek to answer the following questions:

  • Q1: Is it possible to develop an efficient method for bug finding and fixing?

  • Q2: How efficient are machine learning models for detecting commonly encountered bugs?

  • Q3: What are the drawbacks of such machine learning systems? When do they perform poorly?

  • Q4: How influential is the size of the dataset in relation to other factors?

  • Q5: To what extent do supervised and self-supervised data contribute to bug identification?

Also, we want to investigate the idea of combining security issues and bug finding. We want to see if we can address both problems by the same architecture but different input and output data. This is not the main focus of this project but something which came into my mind.

In the field of software development, finding and fixing bugs is an important part of the development process. There have been many techniques developed over the years to help with this task, including both traditional and machine learning-based methods 2.

Static bug finding involves scanning the source code for specific bug patterns. Tools like Error Prone and Infer, which are used by companies like Google and Facebook, are examples of these techniques. However, creating and fine-tuning these tools often requires significant manual effort. There is also the issue of false positives, where a bug detector reports a bug that doesn’t actually exist. To address this, researchers have explored ways to prioritize bugs generated by these tools as a way of classifying warnings and bugs 4.

In the last decade, researchers in software engineering and programming languages have discovered that valuable information about bugs can be obtained from the ambiguous information in code, such as variable names and comments. This is because patterns in source code, such as those found in names, control, and data flow, can be informative. This information can then be used to detect bugs. DeepBugs, for example, uses the names of variables and methods to identify buggy code. They also used generated (fake) bugs and they found that using these fake bugs helped the program find real bugs in code. 5

There have also been studies of the effectiveness of traditional bug finding techniques, as well as studies of the impact of data imbalance on machine learning models for software defect prediction. Data imbalance refers to the fact that the number of buggy examples in a dataset may be much smaller than the number of non-buggy examples. To address this, researchers have explored techniques like under-sampling, over-sampling, ensemble learning and synthetic sampling 2.

Recently, researchers have been exploring automatic label generation, known as self-supervised learning. Microsoft’s BUGLAB is an example of this research. BUGLAB draws inspiration from self-supervised learning concepts in deep learning, computer vision, and NLP. Unlike traditional bug detection methods that require real-life bug data, BUGLAB trains a bug detection model without it. BUGLAB is similar to ELECTRA, but utilizes a more sophisticated code rewriting approach and is used directly for bug detection. The objective of BUGLAB is similar to that of Generative Adversarial Networks. BUGLAB trains two models: a detector model that finds and fixes bugs in code, and a selector model that creates buggy code for the detector to use for training. The authors tested BUGLAB using a Python implementation and found it was up to 30% better than other methods on a dataset of real bugs, and even found 19 unknown bugs in open-source software. 3.


Data Gathering

Gathering accurate, comprehensive data is essential for making informed decisions. In this project, we have used two approaches to gather data: meta-data analysis and self-supervised approach.

It is essential to note that the level of granularity is a key factor in this problem. The smallest unit of data that is used as input for the model can either be a file, class, or method. Previous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of using methods as the smallest unit, so this was chosen as the granularity level for this project.

Meta-Data Analysis

This method involves the use of data from issues and pull requests to find buggy code. This is easy to do, as many github repositories use predefined tags such as bug, issue to address bug-related issues. Additionally, issues will often have a direct relation to pull requests, as most standard repositories have some related issues to each PR. This approach is illustrated in below figure.

Generating Appropriate Input and Output labels from Github Repositories Figure 1: Generating Appropriate Input and Output labels from Github Repositories

Self Supervised Approach

In this approach, we make some changes to code to make it incorrect. This is accomplished by using ideas such as variable misuse, argument swapping, wrong operator, and wrong literal 3.

Bug Localizer

Our task is to accurately pinpoint a set of probable locations for a bug. This is easy enough for generated data, as we would be aware of where the bug is placed. For public datasets, we assume that the altered lines are somehow related to the bug and mark them as such. We then train a model to assess how well bugs can be localized within the code.

An alternate idea involves breaking our assumption about PR code and recognizing that not all modified code is necessarily bug-related. We could then employ a pre-trained ML model to detect which code is most likely to be identified as a bug. However, we do not test this concept in the early stages as it would add complexity to the model, and we believe that the most successful AI models are the simplest ones.

image Figure 2: Proposed Model

Bug Fixer

Source code and localized bug data which was created in the preceeding stage of the model can be used as the input of the model, while the modified code serves as its output. This model should be designed in the form of a generator, which attempts to generate recommended code. This can be formulated via a next-token prediction task, which is a conventional strategy in natural language processing.

Stepwise description of Workplan

Replicate Previous Works

To improve upon existing works, we need to be familiar with the challenges in the field and create a baseline to work off of. An article from the Microsoft team 3 has been chosen to provide this baseline. In order to make improvements, we need to understand the structure of the code and make it possible to learn from public data sources instead of relying solely on generated bugs.

In this step, we will both generate buggy datasets and also train an ML model which identifies and fixes bugs based on the dataset.

Data Gathering

Then, we must obtain information from our sources. Here, we must extract information concerning Code, Issues, Pull Request and Actions. We can take advantage of the official GitHub REST API to crawl this data, a common approach that is well-documented 6. This way, we can quickly access code history, issues, pull requests, and GitHub Actions meta-data. The only limit we may face here is the limitation of 5000 requests per hour set by GitHub 7. This barrier can be alleviated to some extent by using GraphQL instead of REST API 8.

Data Labeling and Preprocessing

We need to filter out the Pull requests and focus on those that are related to an issue which introduces a bug. To begin with, we can use a simple approach and only take issues which have a label of "bug".

This process can be made more flexible through the use of a model, if necessary. There are pre-trained datasets that are specifically designed for this purpose. They take an issue and classify them as bug, enhancement, feature and question 9.

We Should also preprocess source code as illustrated in figure 1.


Then, we should train a classifier to detect bugs in the code. It should be able to assess whether a method contains an error or not and also provide the probability that the error exists in the code. Additionally, it should output an array that states which lines of the code contain errors (if any).

After that, we would take the output result and train an NLP generator to generate better code. The input should be the code and the output should be the proposed Pull Request code. The model should be able to provide PRs that are of the same quality as those written by professionals.

Optional Steps

When an initial model is proposed which is actually working, we can add in more information from other sources. This includes GitLab and also private repositories which we will have access to.

We can also build a GitHub bot to continuously monitor GitHub repositories, evaluate pull requests, and suggest any necessary modifications. Additionally, it can alert users if the code has a high likelihood of containing a bug.


Johnson, Stephen C. 1977. Lint, a c Program Checker. Bell Telephone Laboratories Murray Hill.

  1. Zhang, Wen, Ziqiang Li, Qing Wang, and Juan Li. 2019. “FineLocator: A Novel Approach to Method-Level Fine-Grained Bug Localization by Query Expansion.” Information and Software Technology 110: 121–35. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Habib, Andrew, and Michael Pradel. 2019. “Neural Bug Finding: A Study of Opportunities and Challenges.” arXiv.↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Allamanis, Miltiadis, Henry Jackson-Flux, and Marc Brockschmidt. 2021. “Self-Supervised Bug Detection and Repair.” arXiv.↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. Kim, Sunghun, and Michael D Ernst. 2007. “Which Warnings Should i Fix First?” In Proceedings of the the 6th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 45–54. ↩︎

  5. Pradel, Michael, and Koushik Sen. 2018. “DeepBugs: A Learning Approach to Name-Based Bug Detection.” arXiv.↩︎

  6. “GitHub REST API.” n.d.↩︎

  7. Resources in REST API.” n.d.↩︎

  8. Is there a way to increase the API Rate limit or to bypass it altogether for GitHub?” n.d.↩︎

  9. Izadi, Maliheh, Kiana Akbari, and Abbas Heydarnoori. 2020. “Predicting the Objective and Priority of Issue Reports in Software Repositories.” arXiv.↩︎